Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Attack of the Baby Birds!

Today I did a story time featuring three of my favorite children's books. The reason I love all of them is they're absolutely adorable but not the type of sickeningly sweet adorable that makes you want to stick a fork in your eye.

I personally relate to I'm Not Cute because it's the same mantra I stood by as a child. Throughout the story baby owl tries to convince all the creatures of the forest that he's not cute. He's a sleek, scary, hunting machine! But when mama owl finally comes to agree with him, baby owl has a change of heart...

This book is perfect for preschool on up. The illustrations are incredibly fun, and the book also doesn't have too many words while still being a clever concept that both adults and children can appreciate.

Another adorable book but with a bite to it. First the singing chick gets eaten by Fox, then Fox starts singing and gets eaten by Wolf, then Wolf starts singing and gets eaten by Bear! Will the contagious singing ever stop?

Of course, it will, but not before some laughs. The illustrations, once again, are the best, as well as being large and easy for children to see. Though it does get a bit wordy around the middle. I originally abbreviated it and acted it out with puppets to mitigate this problem, but today I succeeded in reading it straight to a two year old. This made me happy since the illustrations are half the fun of this excellent book.

Guji Guji is a bit like the Ugly Duckling, except more for adopted chidren. Guji Guji, the crocoduck, is raised by ducks. When he realizes he's a crocodile he's distraught. But after he saves his family from a gang of hungry crocodiles, he's happy just the way he is and with the people--or rather ducks--who love him.

This one might be a bit long to read straight to a toddler which is why I personally made a felt board and abbreviate the story. But the concept is beautiful and I wouldn't hesitate to read it to any child if I knew they had the attention span.